Modish talent syllabus test (2023-24)
For Admission In Class-6th
Hindi | अशुद्धि शोधन ,पर्यायवाची शब्द, काल, मुहावरे, विशेषण , वचन ,संज्ञा ,विराम चिन्ह ,विस्म्यादिवोधक शब्द ,वर्ण विन्यास ,अनेकार्थी शब्द, सर्वनाम ,अव्यय,क्रिया ,श्रुतिसम, भिन्नार्थक शब्द ,वाक्य के अंग ,लोकोक्तियाँ ,लिंग,विलोम शब्द,औपचारिक पत्र,अपठित गदयांश| |
English | Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Tenses, Preposition, Tense, Simple Present, Simple Past, Simple Future, Adjective, Paragraph Writing And Comprehension, Articles. |
Maths | Percentage, Area And Volume, Money, Operation On Large Numbers, Decimal, Perimeter, Factors And Multiples ,Symmetry, Geometry ,Measurements. |
Science | Dignity Of Labour, The Journey Of Food, Water Drives Our Life, Adventure And Space |
Mental Aptitude Test Syllabus
| Verbal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Statistical And Analytical Interpretation Riddles And Puzzles, Guesstimate Problems, Logical Venn Diagram, Figure Partition, Non-Verbal Analogy And Classification, Current G.K (Monthly Current & Affairs), History {Modern History(1857 To 1947)}, Geography – Our Environment, Natural Resources, Civics- Our Constitution, Economics (Economics Growth , Education , Health , Unemployment) |
For Admission In Class-7th
Hindi | भाषा ,कारक ,पर्यायवाची शब्द,वाक्यांश अशुद्धि ,शोधन ,वर्ण –विन्यास ,संज्ञा ,श्रुतिसम ,भिन्नार्थक शब्द, लिंग ,वचन ,सर्वनाम ,विराम चिन्ह ,मुहावरे ,काल,विलोम शब्द ,क्रिया ,विशेषण ,लोकोक्तियाँ ,वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द | |
English | Adjective, Verb, Preposition, Article, Paragraph Writing, Active And Passive Voice, Tense, Conjunction, Adverb, Noun With It’s Kind, Comprehension |
Maths | Mensuration Playing With Numbers, Fractions, Integers, Ratio & Proportion, Decimals. |
Science | Light Shadow And Reflection, Separation Of Substances, Getting To Know Plants, Sources Of Food, Physical And Chemical Changes, Air Around Us. |
Mental Aptitude Test Syllabus
| Verbal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Statistical And Analytical Interpretation Riddles And Puzzles, Guesstimate Problems, Logical Venn Diagram, Figure Partition, Non-Verbal Analogy And Classification, Current G.K (Monthly Current & Affairs), History {Modern History(1857 To 1947)}, Geography – Our Environment, Natural Resources, Civics- Our Constitution, Economics (Economics Growth , Education , Health , Unemployment |
For Admission In Class-8th
Hindi | समास ,संज्ञा ,कारक ,संधि ,सर्वनाम ,वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द ,अशुद्धि शोधन ,विराम चिन्ह , पर्यायवाची ,विलोम शब्द ,लोकोक्तियाँ ,अविकारी शब्द ,काल ,भाषा ,लिपि ,उपसर्ग ,प्रत्यय , मुहावरे , श्रुतिसम ,भिन्नार्थक शब्द,क्रिया ,विशेषण | |
English | Modals, Conjunction,Noun,Gapfilling,Articles, , Preposition, Tense, Sentence Recordering, Letter To Editor, Diary Entry, Adverb, Comprehension. |
Maths | Algebraic Expression, Simple Equations, Ratio & Proportion, Percentage And It’s Application ,Operations On Rational Numbers ,Exponents And Power, Perimeter And Area. |
Science | Acid, Base And Salts, Physical And Chemical Changes,Wilnd,Storms And Cyclones. Electric Current, Transportation In Animals And Plants, Nutrition In Animals. |
Mental Aptitude Test Syllabus
| Verbal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Statistical And Analytical Interpretation Riddles And Puzzles, Guesstimate Problems, Logical Venn Diagram, Figure Partition, Non-Verbal Analogy And Classification, Current G.K (Monthly Current & Affairs), History {Modern History(1857 To 1947)}, Geography – Our Environment, Natural Resources, Civics- Our Constitution, Economics (Economics Growth , Education , Health , Unemployment |
For Admission In Class-9th
Hindi | अशुद्धि शोधन , संधि ,वाक्यांश ,उपसर्ग , पर्यायवाची , क्रिया ,विशेषण ,पद परिचय ,शब्द विचार , वाक्य विचार ,वाच्य ,अव्यय ,समास ,सर्वनाम, शब्द विचार ,भाषा ,प्रत्यय ,विराम चिन्ह ,कारक | |
English | Tense Subject Verb Agreement, Modals, Gap filling, Voice, Narration, Notice Writing, Clause, Letter To Editor, Comprehension. |
Maths | Probability, Exponents, Cubes And Cube Roots, Algebraic Expression, Linear Equation In One Variable Rational Number, Comparing Quantities, Squares And Square Roots. |
Science | Pollution, Metals And Non –Metals, Sound ,Friction, Chemical Effects Of Electric Currents, Combustion And Flame, Microorganism Friend And Foe, Reproduction In Animals, Crop Management And Production. |
Mental Aptitude Test Syllabus
| Verbal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Statistical And Analytical Interpretation Riddles And Puzzles, Guesstimate Problems, Logical Venn Diagram, Figure Partition, Non-Verbal Analogy And Classification, Current G.K (Monthly Current & Affairs), History {Modern History(1857 To 1947)}, Geography – Our Environment, Natural Resources, Civics- Our Constitution, Economics (Economics Growth , Education , Health , Unemployment. |
For Admission In Class-11th
Physics | Work, Energy & Power ,Sound, Motion, Magnetic Effect Of Current, Electricity, Light , Force & Laws Of Motion, Gravitation. |
Chemistry | Chemical Reaction And Equation, Acid, Base And Salts, Metal And Non-Metal, Carbon And It’s Compounds, Periodic Classification, Atom And Molecule, Matters In Our Surrounding. |
Bio. | Life Processes, Control And Coordination, How Do Organism Reproduce, Heredity And Evolution, Our Environment, Fundamental Unit Of Life, Cell Division, Improvement In Food Resources. |
| Editing, Omission, Narration, Gap Filling ,(Tense, Sub –Verb –Agreement, Modals)Formal Letter. |
| Real Numbers , Polynomials, Pair Of Liner Equations In Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progressions, Coordinate Geometry, Introduction To Trigonometry, Some Applications Of Trigonometry, Circles, Areas Related To Circles, Surface Areas And Volumes, Statistics, Probability. |